Waste Window Cleaning Water – How To Handle?

Modern commercial and domestic waste window cleaning water arises on two fronts: 1) when high purity water is produced/filtered, and 2) whenever windows are cleaned.

For the purposes of this post, we are interested in the recovery of waste water at pure water production (filtering) stage as this is effectively clean water, where as the recovery of the washings after windows have been cleaned is dirty – and it is also more difficult to recover effectively.

The first barrier to overcome with regard to waste window cleaning water recovery after purification is the question – why would anyone bother? The cost to produce around a tonne of ultra pure water is around £3.00 – making the couple of tonnes of waste water bi-product pretty worthless.. unless it can be used for creating a service that can add value to existing clients or create additional business services or create a new micro-franchise / mini-franchise opportunity.

The big question then is, what can the waste window cleaning water be used for?

  • EXTRA dirty / pre-cleaning
  • Shop signage cleaning
  • Road sign cleaning
  • Local, on site, car washing
  • Local, off site, car washing
  • Mobile car washing
  • Caravan cleans
  • Mobile wheelie bin cleaning service
  • Mobile gutter cleaning service
  • Mobile bicycle power washing service
  • ‘Hot Spot’ pavement power washing
  • Community driven dog waste removal / spot cleaning
  • Sponsored flower beds / hanging baskets
  • Sponsored edible gardens / pots

When you start to think about it, the possibilities start to expand out of each other, however, just the fact that there is a supply or ‘clean’ waste water available does not a revenue stream make. The ability to store (static or mobile solution), and then the balanced consumption of water makes the idea of this project totally aligned with a circular economy viewpoint.

Each of the ideas above would have to be investigated further and feasibility explored, in order to understand if and what any return on investment could be.

Mills Consulting Group work with entrepreneurial business owners that are in the process of exploring new business models – as well as investigating how business automation and systems can help them with their growth ambition. We love to explore any new opportunities – you can simply set up a 15 minute call – at your convenience, here.
